The year of our Lord 2024 and it's off to a flying start....

We're going to post the best New Music here in the shape of a monthly Super-Mix of all our favourite new tracks and an EPIC Album recommends section where you'll see all of our favourites every month too.

At the end, we'll do a round-up of all of this PLUS our favourite films too.

Bookmark this page and head back every 30 days for even more fun.

Click the links and you'll go through to the treasure. 

We've done all the work for you


Away we go!...

#SoapAlbums2024 - June

#SoapAlbums2024 - May

#SoapAlbums2024 - April

#SoapAlbums2024 - March

#SoapAlbums2024 - February

#SoapAlbums2024 - January


June - "Carbon"

Mixcloud      Spotify

May - "Boron"

Mixcloud      Spotify

April - "Beryllium"

Mixcloud      Spotify

March - "Lithium"

Mixcloud      Spotify

February - "Helium"

Mixcloud      Spotify

January - "Hydrogen"

Mixcloud      Spotify

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